Managed campaigns

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Royal Parks – Seasonal Team Recruitment


In 2022, The Royal Parks approached 4Leisure to support the onboarding of a new seasonal leisure team across their sites.

Consisting of 3 large open water lakes and an integrated lido, this prestigious venues attracts thousands of visitors every year to partake in boating and swimming activities. The need for a competent and compliant team to ensure health and safety to be maintained is paramount.



The project required teams of Lifeguards, Operations Assistants, Customer Advisors and Duty Managers totalling over 60 heads to work across the facilities throughout the summer season.



  1. Scarcity - With lifeguards in particular, in very short supply, this project would require a multi-channel approach. Whilst ensuring comprehensive local market coverage, it would quickly become apparent that there were not enough qualified lifeguards available to fulfil the requirements.
  2. Contract length - In a highly competitive market, convincing people to work on a seasonal contract would be difficult.
  3. Timeframes - Working within an exceptionally tight 2 week deadline to start the project and just 4 weeks later to start onboarding, 4Leisure would need to pull on all their available resources to ensure a suitable project team could deliver in time.


  1. A project team was assembled immediately
  2. Project timelines were agreed to include attraction campaigns, hosted recruitment days and onboarding sessions.
  3. Decision taken to work together to provide NPLQ courses and train lifeguards from scratch.
  4. 4Leisure deployed multiple large scale attraction campaigns for both qualified and unqualified candidates with a target of filling a series of recruitment days
  5. Recruitment days delivered by 4Leisure project team with a focus on engagement, screening and selection.
  6. Contingency recruitment days were scheduled to ensure capacity was achieved.


  • Recruitment of permanent management and support team delivered on time.
  • Recruitment of full 60 heads achieved and on boarded before deadline!
  • Contract renewed for the following season.




Case Study Update

2023 project delivered on time again!