Saturday, March 20, 2021
There aren't many more challenging times for an operator than when they are changing management contracts and going through a mobilisation period. Except, if you're on the verge of a national lockdown and most of your team are on furlough or have been let go.
That's the situation 4Leisure were presented with when a local authority called us to say they were facing several weeks of a full pool closure and possible fines by their client due to the lack of trained and compliant lifeguards on their books.
Within 3 days, 4Leisure had deployed a five man team to cover every gap in the client's rota enabling them to stay open and operate normally (until Boris shut everyone down of course).
The health and fitness team pride themselves on being able to react fast, whilst remaining compliant to help people out of sticky situations.
If you need temporary cover or an interim solution, get in touch today or call 01895 450640.